Residents regularly report to Councillors that a significant number of drivers fail to observe the 30 and 40mph speed limits through Shustoke.
The Police operate occasional speed checks and have prosecuted many irresponsible drivers, but an additional option is to form a Shustoke Community Speed Watch Team. Equipped with a radar speed device, the Team would report speeding drivers to the Police who then send them a written warning. With repeat offenders, or those driving well above the speed limit, a police officer would visit them. Details of offending drivers are retained by the Police and prevent such drivers being given the offer of a speed awareness course rather than a fixed penalty / court appearance + endorsement/disqualification.
If you are interested in volunteering for a few hours per week to support a Community Speed Watch, please contact the Parish Clerk via the website contact page.
Where residents note persistent instances with speeding commercial vehicles from specific companies, details can be provided to the Clerk who can advise the companies concerned, and if appropriate, the Traffic Commissioners.