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CORONAVIRUS – Shustoke Reservoir – Update 23rd April

UPDATE – 23rd April

The Police have now attended Shustoke on several occasions and will continue to do so.

Severn Trent has confirmed that the signs showing the footpath around the Reservoir was open have been removed. This means the OS orange coloured path around the reservoir (shown on the  map) accessed from the carpark area is now closed. The green public footpaths further away from the water (a right of way) are still open.

Severn Trent has ordered some large signs to reflect this current status but they may take a week to be installed. However, contractors will be attending to alter the access arrangements to the carpark.

The Coleshill Police Safer Neighbourhood Team will maintain daily visits to the outside area of the site to try and manage any parking issues etc.



Shustoke Reservoir is a private site owned by Severn Trent. The Reservoir and its car park are currently closed.

As a private site, it does not come within the latest Government guidelines for public parks – all of which should now be open.

The closure of the Reservoir car park has led to additional parking issues for the Village, with some visitors leaving their vehicles in inappropriate places. As North Warwickshire Borough Council currently has no parking warden operation, only the Police can enforce legislation relating to unnecessary or wilful obstruction of the highway, or parking in a dangerous position. Concerned residents will need to contact the Police on 101.